IT'S THEIR BABY - October 21, 1987

An article by a "gay revolutionary," which appeared first in "Gay Community News," was then printed in the "Congressional Record" and copied in the "NFD Journal." It's admittedly a fantasy, picturing a world for which many homosexuals wish desperately.

Homosexuals would rule the nation -- perhaps the world. Those opposing them would be killed. Criminal charges would be brought against heterosexual men.

As I read, I wondered if they planned to abolish the human race. But reading farther, I found that it is the family unit they would like to abolish. They would plan for "perfect boys" to be produced in genetic laboratories and raised in a homosexual setting.

If they think they are smart enough to create people, why aren't they smart enough to find a cure for AIDS? It's their baby. Why should it be dumped in the lap of the U. S. Government?


Written by
Mina Arnold Young
(Mrs. Dayton Young)

INNOCENT PAY TOO - April 23, 1987

Actions have consequences. Wrong actions have bad, sometimes disastrous, consequences. And seldom, if ever, do those consequences affect only the one responsible for the actions.

About every 90 seconds someone in the U S dies from lung cancer due to cigarette smoking. In some cases that's because of breathing someone else's smoke. Lungs are not designed to process tobacco smoke.

Fortunately, lung cancer is not a communicable disease. But AIDS is. AIDS started out as a consequence of men abusing their bodies, but now it has spread through the general population, by various means. Thousands of innocent people, including many children, are suffering as a result.

The adult human body is designed for normal natural sexual relations. But homosexual practices damage the body and make it vulnerable to a host of loathsome diseases. Some can be cured, some can not. Some have reached epidemic proportions, but most give telltale signs of their presence and can be treated right away. AIDS is different. It has a long incubation period. It is not only transmitted sexually, but by any body fluids. The number of cases has been doubling every year, and when the disease develops, it has always proved fatal. Yet adequate precautions have not been taken to halt its spread.

In many public school sex education classes, homosexuality is described as a healthy alternate life style. When will America's children be told that it is actually a death style?

Anyone desiring more information on this vital subject should read "The AIDS Cover-Up," by Gene Antonio (Ignatius Press, Sari Francisco)

WARNING MISLEADING - February 21, 1988

The warning about AIDS in the March issue of the "Reader's Digest" left much to be desired. But since it was a paid ad perhaps those in charge of the advertising department of the magazine didn't know how misleading it was.

The use of condoms is recommended. Yet the Food and Drug Administration states that there is no proof that condoms stop the spread of AIDS.

The ad states, "Victims are almost always intravenous drug addicts." Yet, according to the Center for Disease Control, 73% of persons who have AIDS are male homosexuals, 17% are intravenous drug users, 3% get the disease from transfusions of infected blood, and 4% from heterosexual contacts. From January, 1976, to July 1982, 94% of the men with AIDS whose sexual preference was known were homosexual or bisexual.

Men continue to gather in places where they engage in unsanitary practices which are destructive to the human body. Those are the prime hatching grounds for AIDS. What would we think of a mosquito eradication program that concentrated on spraying the air and ignored the breeding places? Homosexual gathering places are to the AIDS epidemic what stagnant pools are to mosquitoes.

If we win the war against AIDS, it will be with padlocks, not condoms.

MANY DO CHANGE - March 4, 1988

"Once gay, always gay" has been drilled into the minds of the American people until it has been accepted as truth. A popular columnist once stated that God made gays as well as straight people. That is not only and insult to God (as if He would make people who were compelled to commit sins that He condemns,) but it simply is not so.

One of the best-kept secrets in the body of literature about homosexuality is the fact that many do leave the homosexual lifestyle.

Andy Comiskey is director of a Southern-California-based support group for such people. He is also president of a coalition of ex-gay groups from all over the world. He knows of hundreds of people who have changed to a heterosexual lifestyle.

According to the Apostle Paul, some of the members of the Corinthian church were former homosexuals. Read First Corinthians, Chapter 6, verses 9 to 11.

Anyone who really wants to change to a heterosexual lifestyle could find help in Tim LaHaye's book, "The Unhappy Gays." (Tyndale House publishers.)

You can find more information at Focus On The Family.

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