Mina Young's Learning Center

and Comments on Moral Issues

Fascinating Facts About Birds How can the theory of evolution explain this?

Jeannie of the 2-Bar-A learns a different way of life on a ranch in Wyoming

Letters to the Editor opinions about various moral issues

What happens to the Baby?
A mother tells her adopted daughter how her birth mother chose adoption rather than abortion.

Creation or Evolution? | Poems & Songs | Trivia | Short stories | My life story

Christmas Poems and a Comment on Mary, the mother of Jesus

Hi! I'm Mina Arnold Young. I have spent many years writing and speaking about issues that are important to me: creation vs. the theory of evolution, abortion, and general morality. Learning the facts about any issue will allow you to form a more educated opinion. I present some facts to make my case. You probably have already heard all the arguments against creationism, pro-life, and etc., but if not, you can surely find those arguments easily enough. Please consider both sides before making up your own mind.

Fascinating Facts About Birds is written for younger readers, but may also be interesting reading for adults. Mostly facts, but also contains some arguments for creationism -- God created the universe and everything in it.

The novel, Jeannie of the 2-Bar-A, is a Christian children's book, but also would be interesting to adults who want to get a feel for rural Wyoming life in the late 1930's.

I produced and sold the Alphabetics line of educational books and games -- you may have been one of my customers , or perhaps you used some of the material in school. Although they have been discontinued for several years, I still get letters from people who are interested in the Alphabetics material.

I grew up mostly around Newcastle, Wyoming. I was born in 1913, so I remember life before many of the modern conveniences of today. I taught school in rural Wyoming for 5 years. I attended Central Bible Institute and worked at the Gospel Publighing House in Springfield, Missouri. I got married and moved to Fort Smith, Arkansas where we had 5 children. I pastored a couple of small churches that had been closed. My life story tells more about that.

I have recently found that assistive listening devices can help people like me understand what is being said in church.

Webmaster: chdyoung@gmail.com