by Mina Arnold Young |
These birds, no larger than a pigeon, nest near the Arctic Circle. In the fall some of them fly along the west coasts of North and South America, staying over or near land all the way, until they reach their winter home in Argentina. Others fly east to Labrador and Newfoundland. From there they fly over the Atlantic Ocean to South America. These birds take a different route when they go back in the spring. They fly over land all the way.
But the Pacific golden plovers hold the record for the longest non-stop flight. They fly from their home in the north to Hawaii or the Polynesian islands. They must fly without food or rest over thousands of miles of open water and land on islands that seem like little dots in the vast ocean.
All the Pacific plovers do not go south together. The old birds go first, leaving the young ones to store up more fat before they start out. How can those young birds find their way to a place where they have never been? There can be only one answer. They are programmed by God!
If God can guide those little birds over miles of open water, can we not trust Him to care for us?
Fascinating Facts About Birds was originally published as a booklet in 1986. For the latest news about creation (sometimes referred to as "Intelligent Design"), see Answers In Genesis or Creation Revolution.