Mina Young on Creation and Evolution


A dense ball of matter of undetermined composition and from an unknown origin exploded for some unknown reason at an unknown date in pre-history. By some unknown process, the pieces found orbits for themselves and began revolving, although not all in the same direction. They weren't all made of the same material, either. After an unknown period of time the one we call Earth collected non-existent atmosphere and water from some unknown source. By chance, the planet was just the right distance from the sun, so eventually, by some unknown process, life appeared. By chance, that first speck of life survived and multiplied and diversified. Finally there was animal life that breathed oxygen and gave off carbon dioxide, and there was plant life that used the carbon dioxide and gave off oxygen. No intelligence was involved. For some unknown reason this is called SCIENCE and taught in public schools!


God created all the animals, and then He created a man, and called him Adam. Then God put Adam to work naming the animals.

Adam must have noticed that the animals came in pairs. Each one had a mate. But there was no mate for Adam! God didn't let him be lonely very long. God put Adam to sleep, took out one of his ribs (the first operation!) and made a woman out of it. When Adam woke up, he had a beautiful wife. Her name was Eve.

Some people think that if this were really true, man would have one less rib on one side than on the other, and that women should have one more rib than men have.

You've probably seen dogs with hardly any tail. Their tails had been cut off when they were tiny puppies. Did those dogs grow up and have puppies without any tails? Of course not! If people or animals lose a body part, their children will still have a whole body. Many men have come back from fighting in a war with an arm or a leg missing. Their children have two arms and two legs each.

Needles and beads can tell us much about ancient people.

Excellent bone needles have been found among "cave men" remains, and they are said to be just as modern looking and functional as the needles we use today. On New Siberian Island, north of Norway, were found objects made from mammoth tusks, including needles. A cave in England, called "Kent's Hole," contained the bones of cave bears, reindeer and other ice age animals. And underneath a stalagmite was a bone needle!

In the ancient Indus Valley civilization, drilled soapstone beads were mass produced. Tens of thousands of microbeads were as small as one millimeter long, pierced for stringing. A cave drawing from another area shows a man wearing a parka decorated with bone and shell beads. Beads were also made into necklaces.

According to the textbooks used in schools, people who lived in the ice age made only very crude tools and would not have been capable of producing such items. Could the textbook authors have been mistaken?


A man in Connecticut has patented a process for petrifying wood. Evidently there is more than one way to do it, for now scientists in laboratories can make petrified wood whenever they want to. Researchers suggest that wooden buildings could be made fireproof, and decay and insect damage could be eliminated by treating the outer layers of buildings or other wooden objects in this way.

From various places come reports of wood petrified naturally in recent times. A tree was covered with silt by a flood in 1918 and washed out by another flood in 1950. Part of the trunk had turned to stone. The rest of the tree had disappeared. Fence posts, with ax marks showing plainly on them, have been dug up, turned to stone. One even had a piece of wire still attached!

We've always heard that it took millions of years for wood to become petrified. Will those millions of years of evolutionary time turn out to be just another illusion?


Myth 1. Man created God.

Man has indeed created many gods. The Philistines had Dagon, human from the waist up and fish from the waist down. The Assyrians had their god Nisroch, a human with an eagle's head. The Greeks and Norsemen had gods in entirely human form. A few were represented as being fairly good, but most were unspeakably evil. They all had limited knowledge and limited power.

The mind of unregenerate man cannot imagine one Supreme Being who is totally good, loving, all-powerful and all-knowing. Apart from God's revelation, there is no way that man could have even a hint of the nature of the real God, especially the fact that He is Spirit. No, man could not have created God!

Mvth 2. The Bible is just another book, man-made.
Let's list the intelligent beings in the universe: God, angels, good men, bad men, demons, Satan. The Bible could not have been produced by Satan, demons, or bad men because it commands holy living. Angels, or good men without divine inspiration, would not have written a book that claims to be the Word of God. They wouldn't lie. But a Supreme Being could be expected to communicate with His creatures, and use good men as His instruments for the writing.

The Bible is composed of 66 books in perfect agreement, although it was written over a period of 15 centuries by about 40 different authors from all walks of life, and it deals with dozens of controversial subjects. You can't find perfect agreement among any group of contemporary authors.

Search the records of Egypt, Babylon, or even the histories of modern nations. You will find little or no mention of their defeats. The Bible tells about battles lost as well as won, and about the faults and failures of its characters. It is perfectly honest.

Those who wish to discredit the Bible used to say that Moses couldn't have written the books that bear his name because writing wasn't invented until a later period. We now know that writing was common a thousand years before Moses. Written records have been dug up that deal with everything from court proceedings to lists of birds, animals and fish.

"Higher critics" say the books of Moses weren't written until 900 to 600 B. C., rather than around 1400, and that Moses was probably a mythical character. But the Passover Feast was instituted by Moses, and the Jews were still observing it when Jesus was on earth.

The Bible changes the lives of all who are willing to be changed for the better. A man-inspired book could not do that. Neither could men write a book that is inexhaustible. The more God's Word is studied, the more there is to learn.

Myth 3. Man can direct his own progress so as to produce a better world.
This is the dream of the Secular Humanists. They have laid out a course which they believe will bring Heaven on earth, only they don't believe in Heaven!

Humanist beliefs in a nutshell: No God; no right or wrong; no Heaven or hell; immorality, perversion, abortion and suicide are OK, and we need a one-world government! And then they say, "We want a world in which peace, prosperity, freedom and happiness are widely shared." They think they can reach that goal by eliminating the Christians!

The Humanists haven't gained full control yet, but we can see what their goals have accomplished so far. Families broken up; teen-age pregnancy at an all-time high; venereal disease at epidemic proportions, including AIDS; crime rampant; 4000 unborn babies destroyed every day; suicide common; illiteracy increasing; drug-related accidents taking a high toll of human lives; so-called churches that are mere social clubs or societies for indoctrination in infidelity, and on and on.

Now more than ever before we need to re-dedicate our lives to the Supreme Being Whose Word tells us how we ought to live, and Whose guidance will help us to make our lives and our world better.


Children need to learn the unpleasant truth that everything they hear or read or see on television is not necessarily so.

There are two opposing world views; the Christian world view which places God at the center of everything, and the humanistic view which places man at the center and denies the existence of God. Our educational system and the media are dominated by the latter. The sooner children can be taught to accept the Christian view point, the better. A recent survey showed that more than half of CHRISTIANS did not believe that there is such a thing as absolute truth! The younger the group surveyed, the higher the percentage.

A girl named Carla came home from school, very excited. She had just "learned" that snakes developed poisonous venom to numb their prey so they could eat it! She had just believed what she was told, without stopping to realize that animals have no power to change their physical bodies. If they could, surely humans could alter their own height and weight at will!

In the first chapter of Romans, right in the middle of a section about immorality, we find this statement: "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator." Where could we find a better description of evolution? The truth that "God created" is scorned and creative ability is ascribed to the animal kingdom, and to abstractions like "Nature" and "Life."

"Nature's imagination is rich when it comes to the application of suction cups." ("How Life Learned to Live," by Helmut Tributsch, Page 72.)

"Beavers, it seems, proceed according to a technically well-thought-out plan." (Page 17)

"Desert dwelling snakes have hit upon the sophisticated technique of winding sideways." (Page 62)

Although the theory of evolution is unspeakably silly, we should warn the children not to make fun of those who believe it. Also they need to be respectful to those who teach it, although teachers have no right to demand that a child believe the prevailing notion.


When a baby kangaroo is born it is about the size of a fairly large bean. It climbs unaided into its mother's pouch and fastens onto one of her nipples. It will stay in the pouch until it is big enough to move outside, but will still stick its head back in at lunch time until it can get all its nourishment from vegetation.

If the mother kangaroo becomes pregnant again while she still has a baby (called a "Joey") in her pouch, she puts the little one on hold when it has reached the blastocyst stage--a very early stage of development. This is called "embryonic diapause." In the red kangaroo, the blastocyst can remain dormant for as long as 200 days! About a month before the baby in the pouch is ready to emerge from it, the little one resumes development. Shortly before its birth "big brother" is evicted from the pouch.

The mother kangaroo now has to feed two babies, which is further complicated by the fact that, at their different stages of development, they need different formulas. But the mother is equal to the occasion. She can produce two different kinds of milk at the same time. Since the little one never lets go until it gets older, there is no danger of getting the bottles mixed up!

How does the mother kangaroo switch the growth process off and on for the developing embryo? How does she channel the right kind of milk to each nipple? Did she learn this by trial and error? Is it the product of long ages of random changes from another type of reproduction? If so, how did kangaroos survive while they were changing from whatever-they-were to what they are now?

Or is it more reasonable to believe that kangaroos were planned and programmed by a Supreme Designer Who implanted the blueprint in the genes of the very first kangaroos?

International Wildlife encyclopedia, Vol. 9, pp 1209-1211

Dawson, T. J., 1983, "Monotremes and Marsupials: the Other Mammals" Edward Arnold, London.


We are told that birds evolved from reptiles, probably lizards, but why should they? There were flying reptiles. Why make all the changes necessary to become a bird, even if they could? No part of a bird's body is like a lizard's body. No creature could live with incomplete parts.

All birds, and only birds, have feathers. A feather has a strong central shaft with close-set rows of little branches, called barbs, growing out from opposite sides. These are fastened together with tiny hooks. A large feather has more than a million parts. Birds also have different legs than any other kind of creature.

There are many different kinds of birds. One of the oddest is the kiwi, of New Zealand. It has no wings and no tail feathers, big feet, and a very long beak, with the nostrils at the tip. Most birds can't smell, but the kiwi can.

There used to be birds with full sets of teeth--the hesperornis, which was a swimming and diving bird about five feet long, and others. Archaeopteryx had teeth, also claws on its wings and vertebrae in its tail. People used to think it was halfway between a reptile and a bird but in 1977 a true bird was discovered in a lower layer. We know of no birds living now with a full set of regular teeth, but the falcon and shrike have something resembling teeth near the ends of their hooked beaks.

The smallest bird, the humming bird, lives on nectar from flowers and the small insects and spiders that it finds in the flowers. It has to hover in front of the flower to feed, and it is the only bird that can do this. If it had had to evolve this ability it would have starved to death!

The woodpecker has five special helps for the kind of life it lives -- an extra strong beak, an extra thick skull, feet with two toes pointing forward and two backward, a short stiff tail, and a very long elastic tongue. He had to have all this equipment to begin with. He could not have survived if he had waited for it to evolve.

Birds care for their young in many different ways, but all birds of the same kind use the same method. Some build very complicated nests. They could not have survived if they had had to learn to do it a little at a time. They know by instinct just what to do. Some tell us that instinct is inherited memory, passed on from one generation to the next. In that case the first bird would have had to figure it all out. If the first birds were that smart that would be evolution in reverse. Instinct is knowledge that was programmed by God into the creature in the beginning.

How does a mother bird know that she must keep her eggs warm? How does she know that they must be turned over? She could not have learned this by accident. Some birds in Australia heap up huge masses of decaying plants and lay their eggs in this heap. The decaying plants make heat which hatches the eggs. How could a bird know that rotting grass and leaves would make heat?

Bird migration cannot be explained by evolution. Many birds go to the far north in the spring to nest and raise their families and then fly far south in the fall. Some travel entirely over land, but not all. The ruby-throated hummingbird, tiny as it is, flies 500 miles over the Gulf of Mexico to its winter home. Some of the Golden Plovers, that nest near the Arctic Circle, spend the winter in Hawaii or the Polynesian Islands. They must fly over thousands of miles of open water and then find the islands, which are like tiny specks in the vast ocean. The parent birds go first and the young ones follow a few weeks later. How do they know their way? Evolution doesn't have the answer. They have to be programmed by God. More Fascinating Facts About Birds. Cousin Chann Phipps on evolution
