
A Bible Riddle

A prophet's servant once was I
My name remains unknown.
I share his immortality
But have none of my own.

Silver and gold he loved too well
And loved the praise of men.
And mercilessly in his wrath
He smote and smote again.

And when the vision was withheld
From him, and given to me
Mercy I preached, and righteousness
To him right faithfully.

Then when his eyes were opened
He sadly went his way
Along the hilly path, his foot
Reminding him, "obey".

I was no prophet, yet to me
God's word was surely given
Sinless I lived on earth, so had
No need to be forgiven
Now who was I, and how could one
That sinless fail of heaven?

Author unknown

(If you do not know the answer, read Numbers 22).

An unknown author uses identical words to describe two different men

The Good Man

He is an old and experienced man. In vice and wickedness he is never found. Opposing the work of iniquity he takes delight. In the downfall of his neighbor he never rejoices. In the prosperity of any of his fellow-creatures he is ready to assist. In destroying the peace of society he takes no pleasure. In serving the lord he is uncommonly diligent. In sowing discord among his friends and acquaintances he takes no pride. In laboring to promote the cause of Christianity he has not been negligent. In endeavoring to stigmatize all public teachers he makes no exertions. To subdue his passions he strives hard. To build up Satan's kingdom he lends no aid. To support the gospel among the heathen he contributes largely. To the evil adversary he pays no attention. To good advice he gives great heed. To the devil he will never go. To heaven he must go where he will receive the just recompense of his reward.

The Evil Man

He is an old and experienced man in vice and wickedness. He is never found opposing the work of iniquity. He takes delight in the downfall of his neighbor. He never rejoices in the prosperity of any of his fellow-creatures. He is ready to assist in destroying the peace of society. He takes no pleasure in serving the lord. He is uncommonly diligent in sowing discord among his friends and acquaintances. He takes no pride in laboring to promote the cause of Christianity. He has not been negligent in endeavoring to stigmatize all public teachers. He makes no exertions to subdue his passions. He strives hard to build up Satan's kingdom. He lends no aid to support the gospel among the heathen. He contributes largely to the evil adversary. He pays no attention to good advice. He gives great heed to the devil. He will never go to heaven. He must go where he will receive the just recompense of his reward.
