On the road to Damascus while traveling one day
the man named Saul was stricken by the way
when a light from the heavens so brightly did shine
when his eyes he did open, behold he was blind
He had been to the high priest permission to obtain
letters to Damascus persecuting Jesus name
if he found any following after the Christ
he'd bring them to Jerusalem for questioning their lives
As a light shone about him from heaven that day
he fell to the earth and heard a voice to him say
recitation -- dialog between God and Paul
Then Paul began to tremble
he was astonished too
and then he said unto the Lord
what will you have me do?
Go unto the city and there he had revealed
the things God had in store for him
his blinded eyes were healed
And there you have the story
of how Paul turned to Christ
and from then on he preached the word
that told of eternal life